(Chris & Hazel Beney's Web Site)

BADFA page


Do visit the BADFA site, it has news and information
beyond the normal remit of a local group:


I helped form BADFA (the Bushey And District Footpaths Association) in 1991.

Bryen Wood asked me to put the idea to a meeting of the Friends of Bushey Museum. The support was overwhelming.

The first task was to get signposts up on all paths. We designed signs, photographed all the paths where they joined roads and persuaded Hertsmere Borough to pay for the signs. Our design has been adopted widely in southern Hertfordshire.

We then tried to sort out problem paths. Some were successes (the Finch Lane path, solved and improved by a diversion order), some were failures.

A year or two later we started a walks programme.

Some steps put up by Chris and Colin